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Website Security (Rise in Cyberattacks, Facebook Malware, WordPress Plugin Security, YouTube and White Hat Hacking Channel, First Hacked and now $230Mil Fined for Data Breach)


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Website Security is a Must

We, at Webmaster For Hire, have been talking for a few years now to our clients about the importance of having their business websites signed up our Website Maintenance & Support Services. Our message to them and to you, dear reader, is that a hacker does not care about you, your business or even your website. An attack is not personal. All they want is your resources. You files deleted to get you to pay ransom, your website’s server space for the uploading malware to spread or send out spam emails, and your email server for sending out 10,000+ emails every second to send spam, malware and/or ransomware. Those are just a few reasons.

You don’t have to believe us when we say, “if you own a website, you need security protection!”. Check out this roundup of the latest online security issues:

1. Georgia Government agency hacked with ransomware.

“It wasn’t immediately clear how many Georgia courts were affected, or to what degree their operations were interrupted. The agency’s website, www.georgiacourts.org , was offline Monday.” Read more here

2. Third Florida City Hit by Hackers. Will they pay? Facebook Malware Campaign Against Users.

The other two hacks happened with employees clicked on a fake email link. Train your employees to not click links inside emails that they are not familiar with and to always check email addresses with the from name. Just a few tips to help.

Facebook fake profiles and fake pages are unsafe.

Watch the video here:

3. WordPress Plugin “WP Statistics”, Sucuri has stated that it is a “minor risk issues that can be used to for target attacks.”

If you have this plugin in your WordPress site, it is wise to update it immediately. As of July 1st, an update to patch the problem has been issued.

4. YouTube’s Ban on Videos with “Instructional Hacking” Created Problems for “White Hat Hacking” channel.

A one-rule for all sweep will inevitably have casualties when trying to do right to protect the internet. This was discovered by YouTube who says, “takedown of a ‘white hat’ hacking channel was a mistake.” Learn more here.

5. British Airways had a cyber attack in June of 2018 that affected 500,000 customers – now they have the highest GDPR fine to date.

Hackers were “able to load digital card skimmer script from the baggage claim information page on the British Airways website; meaning that when a user hit the button to submit their payment on the compromised British Airways site, the data from their payment card and their name was extracted and sent to the attacker’s server.” Read more about it here.

Website & WordPress Security

Don’t think because you’re a small to mid-size business, or a hotel or resort that you do not have to worry about your website’s security. This is the landscape of the internet. We offer monthly monitoring services that are part of our “Website Support Services.” There are never any guarantees that you’re safe, but with our services we run daily backups, monthly updates of your website core files, plugins and themes. Should your business website get hacked, we get up repaired and restored within 24 hours of becoming aware of it.

Get started right away, click to order below to get eyes on your website’s security updates.

We can sign you up immediate and schedule a website review. Was your website hacked? Upon sign up, you will receive the benefit of a 24-hour repair and restore.  Monthly you’ll receive notice from us when your website and plugins have been updated. You’ll never be guessing if we’re doing our monthly service.  Move to our host (cost included in Security Program) and have the benefits of our server’s security monitoring, too. Contact us today!


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