Why Small Businesses should be in Video Marketing


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The internet… no longer is it a clunky instrument that screeches when you try to access it through your phone line. It has become a fast moving tool on which modern society runs. Many companies all over the world have moved their marketing ads to the digital realm with great success. Video marketing has become a strong tool in their arsenal that no company should ignore, especially not small businesses like yours.

Video Market Potential is Growing at an Amazing Rate

The exponential growth of the internet and these people have to access the content of all sorts has opened up new markets. For example, videos are now super easy to upload, host, distribute, stream, and share. New software has made it easier than ever for regular people to create, edit, and polish videos. Normal people are using their passion and experience to create videos. And, guess what? Millions of people are asking questions that lead them to watch those home-made videos.

It is a prime medium for “How To” videos. Providing quality DIY tutorials can create a loyal following, point potential business your direction, and build a platform where you can connect with your customer-base in a meaningful way.

A Match Made in Heaven – YouTube and Small Business

Perhaps this market, more than any other, is perfect for the small business. You are an expert in your field. You are passionate about what you do, otherwise, you wouldn’t have started your business. You can use video platforms, like YouTube, to further your brand and highlight products or services that you offer.

You can host, distribute, and evaluate the effectiveness of your video campaigns largely for free. There is always the option to purchase targeted ad distribution from platforms like YouTube and Facebook, but the basic account is feeless. This allows you to stretch your limited advertising budget and reach more people at the same time.

What is Video Marketing and How Can a Small Business Use It?

Video marketing isn’t just a great way for a company to showcase their product or service, but it’s also is a method of allowing a potential customer to see something more than a text filled page. Blogs and descriptions are great, but when you also have a video that someone can watch in a free minute here or there adds that extra something. People don’t buy from faceless entities. They typically purchase from a trusted source, from other people. Creating videos put a face to your business, highlights what makes you an expert, and why you are passionate about your product or service. In short, it allows the user to emotionally connect with you and your business.

According to a report released by Forrester, a market and research company, small videos that are included with an email sent out to customers raised the click-through to the product by 200%. The report also showed that 90% of users found the video in an email gave them a better, overall experience. The video market continues to grow as the Break Media reports that 35% percent of all ads online now are brought to customers as videos.

Small business owners have a great opportunity since video marketing is easier to get into due to the ease of upload, low software prices, and many how-to tutorials available online. All it takes is planning out the right strategy to reach out to their customer base.

Video Marketing Allows Focus in Targeting Your Audience (and Customers)

So, what are the steps to get involved and bring amazing products or services via video to customers around the world?

  1. Know Your Target Demographic.

    What do people purchase from you? Male or Female? Ages? Any other special characteristics that make your customer-base unique?

  2. Know What Questions Your Customer-Base Asks.

    YouTube is the second largest search engine among 18-34-year-old, and older generations are catching on to its usefulness quickly. What questions and keywords will someone who could use your product or service be likely to ask? This list is not only a list that you can use for a FAQ page on your website, it is a list of prime topics you can create quality videos around.

  3. Make Sure to Highlight Stories and People.

    You want to connect with your potential customer on a personal level. To engage with them emotionally, you have to make your video real. Find relevant stories about real people and how your company/service/product solved a dilemma. Include that carefully in your “How To” video.

  4. Market the Video Everywhere!

    It isn’t enough just to upload a video to YouTube and embed it on your website. You need to send it out via social media, create a network of backlinks to and from the video, post it to other 3rd party sites. And more. To get the most exposure from a given video, you need a firm that understands video marketing to get it out there in an effective all-encompassing strategy.

If you’re interested in learning more about our video marketing packages, please contact us. We’d like to discuss the options we can tailor to your business and objectives.

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