W4H Spotlight Client: Transformations Esthetics & Wellness


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It’s mid-Summer at the time of this month’s post and our W4H Spotlight Client is a refreshing one for the men and women of South Florida.  We are honored to tell you about Transformations Esthetics & Wellness.

About Transformations Esthetics & Wellness

Christie Shumate began Transformation Esthetics & Wellness with a humbling and heart-felt moment of realizing that skin care can truly transform the lives of others.  You can read about that time by visiting here.

Services and products offered at Transformation Esthetics & Wellness include:

They also offer a monthly membership of either $65 or $99 a month.

In addition to all the above, Christie has created an ingenious product, “Underarm Deodorant Granules.” They are the world’s first aluminum-free, plant-based deodorant in granule form and were featured on CBS News, NBC News, Discovery Network, Palm Beach Illustrated, Modern Luxury magazines as well as carried in a few local retailers, including a doctor’s office. You can learn more about this new deodorant here: https://transformations-wellness.com

Services & Journey with Webmaster For Hire

Christie and Beth met in a woman’s networking group several years ago.  In December 2021, she struggled to get her website updated and content added to it the way she wanted it, she reached out to Beth and immediately signed up with our Webmaster Retainer Services.

“Christie has been a complete joy to work with. Her passion for helping her clients shines brightly. Anytime she has a new way to enhance their lives, you can hear the excitement in her voice. I am thrilled to see her GoDaddy built site start to morph and change to showcase all her great services.”

Visit Transformations Esthetics & Wellness

South Floridians (or anyone visiting the area) should visit Transformation Esthetics & Wellness in the Jupiter, Florida area by visiting their website at: https://transformationsew.com and purchase the “Underarm Deodorant Granules” at https://transformations-wellness.com

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