Reputation Management: How To Remove Negative Reviews From Google


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Clients continually ask how to kick down negative reviews. The answer is simple, reputation management. Knowing how to execute a strong campaign can be tricky. You need to know how to prevent problems before they start.

Before the web businesses ran in the brick and mortar world. If a customer had a problem they came and dealt with it face to face. Each party was given the chance to fix the problem.

The website made it easier to reach a larger market, especially with the invention of cell phones. But it introduced a lot of problems that business owners never needed to deal with before. One of those is disgruntled employees, frustrated customers, and sometimes just people who are in a bad mood. All of these people can do damage to your business before you even know customers have a problem.

One angry customer can complain to hundreds of people on a review site, or social network site. Your internet reputation can be destroyed by a single person posting one bad review.

Most business owners feel that they are helpless. Some turn to marketing companies and freelance SEOs who know a little about reputation management but not enough to run a solid campaign.

Protect Your Business

Reputation Marketing isn’t another advertising expense. Smart business owners know that reputation management has been protecting businesses since the early 1990’s.

Protect Your Online Reputation – SEO v.s. Reputation Management

These two terms are not interchangeable. There are two distinct differences.

–          SEO works to drive negative search engine results down the page.

–          Reputation management monitors and controls the top spots.

–          SEO focuses on the search engines and ranking positions.

–          Reputation management focuses on people and how they interact on the web.


When a good marketing firm is working for you they will both focus on human behavior and turning visits into leads. They will also work to protect you from attacks. These can include:

Other SEO firms hijacking your keywords

Angry people leaving negative reviews

Online flaming and slander that can damage your business

This is important as the number of people who use the internet to find a company they can trust continues its dramatic increase.

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