Press Release – Use It to Build Traffic


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Do you think that a press release is obsolete?

They think that spending money on this marketing practice is a waste. That is not the case however.  A press release can generate a huge amount of web traffic and is anything but obsolete.

Many web marketers have portrayed a press release as a traditional marketing technique. Some believe that since the advent of internet, there is little use for this technique.  But they forget that not everything before the internet was useless. Over the years, using a press release has improved as a part of the marketing process.

It is not difficult to write a press release if you can find a good template and are a decent writer. In case you are not sure of what you are doing, it is best to hire someone who does. You can distribute the press release through a press release distribution center once it is written. These services do not cost much when considering the marketing ROI.

The goal of the press release is to maximize the visibility to different consumers. When we create press releases for our clients, we highlight the keywords and provide SEO services with the press release to maximize it.  The press release can be distributed to over 100 press release sites, 60,000 trade publications and 22,000 newsrooms.

There are many different areas where a press release can be used. It can be presented for new staff, products, services and contests etc. Other uses of a press release can include any information that is worthy of media attention, conferences, etc.

We offer our services for:

  • Some major search engines like Yahoo, Bing, and Google etc.
  • Major Websites that provide international and national news.
  • Bloggers, journalists and more the 250,000 new subscribers.

There are different ways to use a press release. The best way is to create it as a story rather than just another advertisement for your business. A press release has numerous advantages for businesses of all sizes. Releases provide online and offline publicity to all businesses.  Other advantages include:

  • it is published (online or offline) will have a link to your website. If people like the release they will surely want to visit the website.
  • can help build brand image. People are bound to remember your name if they read it often.

The person writing the press release may also take the responsibility of getting it published. This way the cost of publishing is almost negligible.  Meaningful content will help you gain credibility and consumers will start to see you as an expert in the field and take heed to your advice.

If you have any questions about creating a press release or need further marketing assistance, please contact us at Webmaster For or click here.

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