How to Use Longtail Keywords


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The majority of search engine driven traffic is created through the use of longtail keywords, not single keywords or short keyword phrases. Potential customers and clients are looking for a certain item or location. They will search using a very specific set of words to get more accurate results. When you use phrases that describe your products or services think of what the customer or client would be searching for.

When single keywords are searched for, or are used by website owners, broad, unspecific search results are displayed. Customers then have to sort through thousands of sites to find what they are looking for, and your website will be lost in those thousands of results. More refined search results means that your website will be seen.

Keywords are used by potential customers and clients who are searching for a specific product or service. A potential customer or client is more likely to type a phrase into a search engine than they are a single word. Longtail keywords are used like single keywords by business and website owners. When new content is published short descriptive phrases are entered in as keywords rather than single words.

Longtail Keywords are Used More

Longtail keywords are more uniquely used by mobile and tablet searchers than common single keywords. When website owners use longtail keywords they are more likely to get customers and clients that are looking specifically for what they offer. This means that although the audience may be smaller the rate of sales will go up because the people who search for your keyword phrases are genuinely looking for sites like yours.

Search results are refined by the longtail keywords for both the business owner and the customer. When your keywords are less common there are less results available when they are searched for. This means your site is more likely to get views.

The less search results there are for your specific keyword phrases the better. You will rank higher in the list of search results that your potential customer gets when they search. It is a fact that the websites listed on the first page of search results get the most views.

The Frequent Use of Longtail Keywords

How frequently the longtail keywords appear on your website matters too. It’s called keyword density. When you add and publish new content be sure to scatter longtail keyword phrases throughout the text. The more times those phrases appear in your website content the higher your site will rank in search engines. It can also cost you less to list your site when you use longtail keywords. People who are bidding on pay per click keywords are generally bidding on the more commonly used keywords. Your longtail keyword phrases will be less commonly bid on.

Website owners can use a program like Wordstream’s free keyword tool if they need help finding longtail keywords. This program generates countless keywords, including longtail keywords, for you and is great for use if you are running a pay per click campaign. All you do is enter in the keyword that you want to research and the free tool will display instant results.

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