5 Items You Need to Give Your SEO Company to Optimize Local Marketing


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The relationship between an internet marketing company, or SEO firm, and a small business owner should be a symbiotic relationship. Most business owners want the SEO firm to handle all marketing. However, SEO is the only marketing aspect, where the firm is expected to handle the entire marketing campaign — without any input from the company.

This unrealistic mindset costs the company in the long term. A marketing campaign has more revenue generating power when the SEO company and the small business owner work together.

This is especially true when optimizing a website for local marketing. The loss of revenue can be devastating if a website is not optimized properly.

To understand local optimization you need to understand that Google breaks cities up into databases. These databases control which websites rank high for those locations. Being ‘off’ by only 1 street can cost you mobile consumers. The first way to determine whether your website is optimized properly is to take a look at Google keyword planner, and look at how your area is divided. The closer to the edge of an area you are, the more you need to invest in SEO. The more you need to collaborate with your SEO team.

5 Things Your SEO Firm Needs to Market Your Website Effectively

There are some things that SEO teams need, which they cannot provide themselves. These things can make the difference between a high performing, revenue generating website – or a static online brochure.

1. Images

Online consumers build relationships with sellers. They give reviews and are valued because of their ‘word of mouth’ marketing.  One of the best ways to build a relationship is to use photos of you and your team. It personalizes your company. These images can be of anything. But the best images are ones showing your company involved in community service.

Google suggests: photos of you, your teams, your business, your product.

2. News

Almost every business generates news. New releases, community events, local news, products, industry research or advances, information from national associations. All of this information is something that you can research better than any ‘third party’ (such as a hired writer).  Your personal, unique take on the news will be your company’s voice, your brand.

Tip: If you don’t have time, or don’t feel skilled enough, discuss with your SEO firm to see if you could do a monthly interview with their writer(s) on these topics. Or look at possibly recording podcasts or YouTube videos to present your take. Blog posts, podcasts, videos — all of these will provide your SEO firm with the material they need to optimize your online campaign.

3. Opportunities

Your best consumers are in your community and your industry associations. You know what is happening in your community and your industry. You know the trends.

You are also the only one who knows your business. You know your customers. What idioms do they use? What phrases do they use repeatedly? What time of year do they buy specific products? What are your best selling products? These numbers can help your internet marketing team target consumers.

4. Be Active Online

The more relationship building you do online, the more opportunities you give your marketing team. If you are talking online, then it is easier to get consumers to leave testimonials. It is also more difficult for Trolls to leave negative reviews.

5. Hooks and Lures

Are you having a sale? Is a new product coming out? Do you have an in-store contest? Is there anything that your internet marketing team can use to attract visitors?

Last, remember that the SEO firm needs to bring visitors to your website. What happens when these visitors arrive is up to you. Train staff on proper telephone answering procedures and email etiquette. Make sure all complaints are handled effectively and politely. If you can’t help a consumer then make sure they leave happy.

Looking for an SEO and internet marketing firm that you can establish a symbiotic relationship with? Reach out to us for a customized proposal on how we can work together.

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